创建 ERC20 代币(Create a Coin (ERC20))

在 Sui 上发布一种代币几乎和发布一个新类型一样简单。但是,不同的是,它需要使用一次性见证(One Time Witness)。

English Version

Publishing a coin is Sui is almost as simple as publishing a new type. However it is a bit tricky as it requires using a One Time Witness.

module examples::mycoin {
    use std::option;
    use sui::coin;
    use sui::transfer;
    use sui::tx_context::{Self, TxContext};

    /// 这个结构体代表代币类型,每种代币都需要一个类型:`Coin<package_object::mycoin::MYCOIN>`
    /// 确保结构体名与模块名匹配
    /// The type identifier of coin. The coin will have a type
    /// tag of kind: `Coin<package_object::mycoin::MYCOIN>`
    /// Make sure that the name of the type matches the module's name.
    struct MYCOIN has drop {}

    /// 模块初始化函数在模块发布时被调用。
    /// `TreasuryCap`会被发送给模块的发布者,因此发布者可以控制代币铸造和销毁。
    /// Module initializer is called once on module publish. A treasury
    /// cap is sent to the publisher, who then controls minting and burning
    fun init(witness: MYCOIN, ctx: &mut TxContext) {
        let (treasury, metadata) = coin::create_currency(witness, 6, b"MYCOIN", b"", b"", option::none(), ctx);
        transfer::public_transfer(treasury, tx_context::sender(ctx))

Coin<T> 是 Sui 上代币的通用实现。TreasuryCap 的所有者可以控制硬币的铸造和销毁,通过与 sui::coin::Coin 交互,并使用 TreasuryCap 对象作为授权。

English Version

The Coin<T> is a generic implementation of a Coin on Sui. Owner of the TreasuryCap gets control over the minting and burning of coins. Further transactions can be sent directly to the sui::coin::Coin with TreasuryCap object as authorization.